Study explores violence against women and girls in the South Mediterranean

April 23, 2021
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Between December 2019 and November 2020, the Regional Civil Society Observatory (RCSO) conducted its first regional study on “Violence against women and girls in the South Mediterranean”.

The RCSO research team set two specific objectives for the study:

• To provide a basic overview through relevant quantitative data on women’s experience of violence against women and girls (VAWG), their level of awareness and attitude towards VAWG.

• To get insight on people’s awareness and perception of VAWG, and their knowledge of international and national frameworks and existing VAWG services.

The study focuses on Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.

The RCSO is hosted by EuroMed Feminist Initiative (EFI) in Amman and funded by the European Union as part of a three-year regional programme, “Combating Violence against Women and Girls in the Southern Mediterranean”. Its aim is to provide an update on the status of VAWG legislation, policies and actions in the Southern Mediterranean States.

Violence against women and girls in the South Mediterranean - study brief