Music Moves Europe Preparatory action 2020: Innovative support scheme for a sustainable music ecosystem

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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This call for proposal comes under the 2020 Annual work programme for the implementation of the “Preparatory action Music Moves Europe: Boosting European music diversity and talent”, as foreseen by Commission Decision C(2020)1194 which was amended by Commission decision C(2020)37381. The mode of implementation of this Preparatory action was adapted, to take into accountthe new circumstances in the context of COVID19, and should allow the Commission to support the recovery and postcrisis development of the European music ecosystem by helping the sector to become more sustainable and adapt to newly emerging trends.

The underlying objective of the three consecutive Preparatory actions (20182020) is to test and prepare future EU support under the next Creative Europe programme (20212027). The Commission’s legislative proposal for this programme2, includes as a new element ‘sectorial support for music’, specifically targeting the music sector in addition to existing funding opportunities (i.e. cooperation projects, networks, platforms). Different key areas for action have been tested in 2018 and 2019 under these Preparatory actions with a view to prepare future programme support. This Call under the 2020 Preparatory action covers a new field of action, i.e. the sector’s recovery and sustainability postcrisis. Sustainability of the European music ecosystem, in terms of environmental, economic and social sustainability, is indeed more topical than ever before. The postcrisis revival can be expected to bring and require structural changes in the way the music ecosytem is operating. In line with the EU’s general aspirations for the recovery and responding to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the main objective of this Call is hence to contribute to the sector’srecovery from the crisis by helping it to become more sustainable and adapt to newly emerging trends after the crisis.

Read in: Français

Countries covered:

  • Tunisia
Culture Media