BUSINESSMED, Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises, the Lead Beneficiary of the INVESTMED project, is looking for an Expert.
Key responsibilities:
- Territorial analysis and outreach (involvement in the mapping at national and regional level on the entrepreneurship ecosystem and outreach activities (identification and engagement with target groups)
- Inputs and dissemination of surveys. Involvement in additional Q&A sessions and experts’ consultations.
- Leading the surveying at national level and supporting online channels with the project partners.
- Inputs in the design of the expertise workshops with the aim to define training curricula, share and capitalize on best practices.
- Involvement in the development and organisation of trainings(inputs in collaboration with the project partners)
- Involvement in the Local Technical Assistance LTA to support sub–granted projects at national and regional level.
- Participation in the working groups of the project (Technical Working Group, subgroups 1 & 2, Operational Working Group) and other project meetings.
- Inputs on the mapping of the capacity building at national and regional level on Intellectual Property Rights IPR for public authorities and entrepreneurs
- Inputs in the mapping of legal frameworks and inputs for the guidebook to be elaborated with different partners.
- Inputs on national policies/strategies on the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem indifferent sectors mainly Green Economy, Blue Economy, Cultural and Creative Sector,Digital Sector.
- Inputs on the institutions/stakeholders involved in the target sectors and mapping of the sectors at national level.Inputs on financial programmes to support startups and young entrepreneurs.
- Inputs on recent initiatives and updates on the sectors at national level.
- Inputs on private sector/public authorities initiative to develop and support the target sectors and young entrepreneurs at national and regional level.Inputs on the IPR regulations at national level and mapping of the Tunisian Legal framework and incentives.3Consultation on discussion papers provided by the coordination team